Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Reality TV

Journal #2

When you’re watching reality television the objective is to gain happiness through mindless fluttering images, diminishing anything from your day that jeopardizes just that. I applaud all who’ve found an outlet and have managed to escape reality. I’d rather watch a scripted life than dabble my feet reflecting on my own. Many suggest that reality television is so lacking that it’s hindering our children’s education, warping the normalicies of everyday life and painting bad images for children to come. Sure, I agree that the average American watches too much T.V., coming in at 40 hours per week, and I see how this can attribute to our staggering obesity incline. However, I don’t think reality television is the devil and I don’t think the mom’s of America need to bust out their bandanas just yet. After all, it’s our choice.
So, which reality television show do you secretly watch? We’ve all got one; with the genre spectrum seemingly applying to every age group, there’s something for everyone to watch. Reality TV was inevitable considering how much we’ve progressed in the last fifteen years. Social media, email and texting have made for a more affiant way to communicate and enjoy life. Television delivers stories and kindness, sadness and romance, kids having kids, people killing people, babies and miniature cupcakes. More importantly, it delivers a glimpse into our always changing culture and why we are the way we are today. If there wasn’t a demand for shows about teenagers getting pregnant or a want for a program about a bunch of Jersey-ites drinking and partying, then it wouldn’t be on the air. Like it or not, reality television exists because we want it to. Our own lives aren’t enough so we escape to Cape Canaveral and hop on a cruise to find our Bachelor. It’s up to you if you’d rather float around your living room, soaking up an alternative reality than your own. I don’t mind it, we’re all human and we’re all entitled to our own happiness, if it’s actually ours or not!

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