Monday, January 14, 2013

Journal 1

   It’s déjà vu all over again! This time last year I picked up a pencil and paper to write my first journal entry for ENC1101 in three years. Sure, I’d dabble in a little beat poetry, spew words to familiar faces and plaster newspapers clippings of words onto my fridge in hopes of evoking some sort of muse. But it wasn’t until I was forced to write for a grade, that I became a healthier and more fluent writer. ENC1101 was the most personal growth I’ve experienced in a college class thus far. My professor had a bigger impact on me than she knows. I never felt judged in my writings so I began to cover topics that had been simmering in my head for years, worn and torn but just intact enough of for a trip down nostalgia. For a while, I started to feel down because I wasn’t used to expressing myself, and my writing began to reverberate off of every door I walked into, creating a vortex that sucked me into that quintessential all black ensemble . However, I am now learning that good writing doesn’t have to have a sad moral behind it, big words aren’t necessary and it doesn’t even have to be about yourself! Exploring unfamiliar territory and writing about things that make me uncomfortable or even writing about things that make me feel nothing helps me to grow as a writer and even more so as a person! (And honestly, I need some serious help with my comma obsession. I think I use it more than the space key!)